I recently saw a program on PBS about evolution. It was a documentary that followed a group of scientists who were searching for missing evolutionary links. At the end of the program, it was revealed that these scientists had found fossils that gave them what they were looking for. So, quite naturally, one would conclude that this is evidence that the Bible is false, and that evolution is accurate to describe man's origin. After all, who can argue with hard evidence? Only a fool would, right?

However, when we look at what the Bible says about the future of the world, and how the Devil works, none of this is inconsistent with anything that God said would happen. The Bible clearly tells us the Devil's tactics -- the Devil is a liar. It also reveals God's tactics -- that God's wisdom is greater than human wisdom and that what we call "wise", is foolish to God. So, where's the inconsistency with what God says versus how our world looks today? There is none.

"For God in his wisdom made it impossible for people to know him by means of their own wisdom. Instead, by means of the so-called 'foolish' message we preach, God decided to save those who believe. Jews want miracles for proof, and Greeks look for wisdom. As for us, we proclaim the crucified Christ, a message that is offensive to the Jews and nonsense to the Gentiles; but for those whom God has called, both Jews and Gentiles, this message is Christ, who is the power of God and the wisdom of God. For what seems to be God's foolishness is wiser than human wisdom, and what seems to be God's weakness is stronger than human strength."

-1st Corinthians 1:21-25

Personally, for me, the lie of evolution isn't very convincing. The fact that scientists haven't found countless transitional fossils (so many that species classification should be difficult), is a huge hole in the theory that can't be overlooked when you stick to strict logic. But it doesn't surprise me that the Devil is able to deceive the minds of those who are willing to value logic over trusting God. The Devil is the most deceitful creature that we know, and he knows how to appeal to mankind's intellect. So not only is it expected that such mass deceit would take place because of what God has said by predicting all that we see, but it's also logical that it would happen this way since the Devil is a deceiver.

I once heard a guy make a bold statement on television. He said, "If the Bible said that one plus one equals three, I would believe it".

Such a statement sounds ludicrous to the world, but not at all to God -- and not to those who believe God. This is because God's wisdom will always be greater than human wisdom. If this really is true, then such radical statements, shouldn't seem so radical.

A person who chooses to follow God, should be ready for anything and should choose to trust God, even when it doesn't make sense. This is the kind of faith, and dedication that God is looking for. Such faith is seen many times throughout the Bible with people who are considered, by God, to be good examples. Abraham is one of the greatest examples, but we really find this with virtually all of the good examples in the Bible.

God has already told Christians to trust him indescriminantly, even when it doesn't make sense (because of the Devil's tactics -- maybe even especially when it doesn't make sense). So when the unexpected happens, no one should be shaken or confused.

Should any Christian really be surprised that the Devil (the master deceiver) would take the diversity of God's creatures, along with their evoltionary traits which take place within a species, and use it to deceive people into believing that God is a liar and that people came from monkeys? As Christians, because God has already told us what to expect, nothing that happens in this world should be unexpected. It's like the little boy who is told that a "stranger" won't always look like a stranger. If an evil man wants to deceive a child, it's not surprising that he would seem nice, look respectable, and offer a child candy. So should it surprise anyone that the Devil's lies are convincing to those who don't trust God?